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Brazil Overtakes China As Fastest Growing Medium Voltage Drives Market


February 28,2012 -- Growth in the Brazilian medium voltage drives market will outpace that of the Chinese market by 2% over the next three years, with revenue growth forecast at 18.5% annually in Brazil from 2011 to 2014, according to two new studies by IMS Research.

2月28日消息—— 根据IMS Research的两份新报告表明,巴西中压驱动市场在未来三年的增长将超过中国市场两个百分点,从2011年到2014年,巴西市场每年的销售预计增长率为18.5%。

The two markets are vastly different in size, as the Chinese market represents 28% of the global consumption of drives compared with Brazil’s 3% share. High growth in Brazil is predominately driven by oil gas and mining expansion, as well as projects for infrastructure improvement. Brazil’s state-run energy company’s plan to achieve daily production of 500,000 barrels of oil from the Tupi field discovered off the 1、检查油路系统接头处是不是拧紧coast of Brazil by 2020 is one of the many projects propelling growth.


Increasingly, the Brazilian market is dependent on China’s demand for iron concentrate and crude petroleum, as China tops Brazil’s export countries. China has also increased its foreign direct investment in Brazil, with totals reaching almost $10 billion in 2010 and 2011, focused largely on the oil gas and mining sectors.


Analyst Michelle Figgs explains, “With China’s need for raw materials fueling sales of medium voltage drives in Brazil, high forecasted growth for this market will depend in part on China’s future economic health. The good news for drives suppliers is the International Monetary Fund’s predictions include growth of China’s GDP to remain higher than any other country during the next few years, with economic expansion forecast at 9.4% in 2011 and 8.9% in 2012.”

分析师Michelle Figg我们知道机械上的锁紧构造有:缧纹(即罗纹泡沫灭火s解释道:“中国对原材料的需求推动着巴西中压驱动的销售,巴西市场的高增长预期将部分取决于中国未来经济的健康发展。驱动供应商的好消息是,国际货币基金会预计,包括中国在内的GDP在未来几年仍将高于其他国家,2011年和2012年的经济增长率分别为9.4%和8.9%。”

Unlike Brazil, growth in the Chinese medium voltage drives market is slowing. Since June 2011针织衫, the Chinese Government 对此has tightened monetary policies on bank loans, which has held up many large projects, such as high speed railways, city metros, highways, and factory renovation projects. Both end users and machine builders are facing financial strain from these policies as investments in many industries slowed quickly.


Still, growth in the Chinese market will remain strong due to implementation of policies 以避免在大吨位时回油阀漏油regarding motor efficiency and continued government support of energy -saving renovations in various industries including mining, metals, and oil gas. Also, resumed investments are expected by the end of 2012 for large scale projects, particularly those involving high speed railways, city metros,nuclear power stations and water conservancy. Average annual revenue growth in the C果汁饮料hinese market for medium voltage drives isforecast at 16.6% from 2010 to 2015发热管.

尽管如此, #8203; #8203;由于实施电机效率政策,以及政府对采矿、金属、油气等多个工业领域节能改造的持续支持,中国市场的增长仍将保持强劲。此外,大型项目的投资预计到2012年底将恢复,特别是那些涉及高速铁路、城市地铁、核电站、水利投资项目。从2010年到2015年,中国中压驱动市场的年均收入增长率预计达16.6%。

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